has now more than 42.000 users. 15.000 active last week.
This is a follow up to user data analysis and user data analysis part 2.
My crawler got42.130
users on The maximum User Id is
. So with regard to deactivated users, the number of users on is somewhere in between.
There have been 15.000
active users last week (posted at least once). In my
opinion that's a unexpected high number. I hope to post an analysis of the
posting frequency within the next week.
count 42130.000000
mean 25.627344
std 144.479042
min 0.000000
25% 2.000000
50% 11.000000
75% 28.000000
max 24925.000000
User who follow the most people
following followers
welcome 24925 1637
braynard 7670 910
jasonsmith 6579 2146
thebluemeep 6160 1218
jdhancock 3715 533
osfancy 2780 420
iatv 2010 349
boa 1942 538
nava 1544 121
jiaaro 1527 1135
count 42130.000000
mean 25.644197
std 171.108496
min 0.000000
25% 2.000000
50% 5.000000
75% 13.000000
max 11611.000000
User with the most followers:
following followers
gruber 113 11611
tapbots 3 9913
marco 91 9822
dalton 606 9644
adn 22 9039
siracusa 60 7567
pth 154 5358
dan 49 4516
hotdogsladies 18 4278
joshuatopolsky 23 4242