Peter Hoffmann Director Data Engineering at Blue Yonder. Python Developer, Conference Speaker, Mountaineer

If string equals item from list a, followed by item from list b

This my Answer to the stackoverflow question: If string equals item from list a, followed by item from list b:

I'm using a set for the second list so that you don't have to iterate every time over all it's items.

a = ['hello', 'Hello', 'Hi', 'Greetings', 'Hola']
b = ['world', 'World', 'Planet', 'Earth']

b_set = set(b)
needle = 'HelloWorld'
for start in a:
    if needle.startswith(start) and needle[len(start):] in b_set:
         print 'match'

If you are looking for a shorter version

any((needle[len(start):] in b_set for start in a if needle.startswith(start)))

In contrast to the itertools.product this solution does not have to compare all n^2 possible combinations, but has just to walk once over the first list (n) and in worst case do an additional set lookup.